Wednesday, November 25, 2009

After having gone through trying times in our family, we have decided to come together as a family and group our efforts together for a good cause. Trying to find a cause that we could all participate in was not easy. While there are so many good causes out there that need peoples help so badly, we have happily found the one that has us extremely excited.

Baruch Hashem, we were very blessed to have the most beautiful Shabbos Meals in our home. The Shabbos meal was always everyone's favorite part of Shabbos. It was a time that we all sat together and shared our lives with each other as well as all the delicious foods that mother prepared. My most fond memories of growing up was the togetherness and sense of belonging that was felt at the meals. If even one sibling was away for a Shabbos, the meal was clearly not the same.

My fathers specialty was his Friday shopping trip. One of my my fondest memories is of me sitting in his car every Friday afternoon and running around Boro Park to get all different types of delicacies from all the different stores (and private people). We went to Schwartz's for herring and babaganush, Gross for the challah, Yussi's for a different challah, Schicks for the Chocolate Roll, Fruit Palace for the strawberries, Tzion for jachnun (some type of kishka), Mozes for charif (the best ever), my grandmother for white fish and my other grandmother for kokosh cake.

My mother too, spent all friday in the kitchen preparing her very best dishes for Shabbos. whether it was her cholent, potato kugel, lukshin kugel, chicken liver, gefilte fish, compote, farfel, sweet potato slices and everything else. the beautifully set table fully decked out with a white table cloth, silverware, dishes, candles and lots and lots of love.

It is this experience that has meant so much to us and we would like to share that with others. After speaking to a many people about it, we have realized that there are many people in the community that have their Shabbos meals alone at home. wether its because you are single and have no place to go, or youre from out-of-town and dont have family to go to, we would like to help.

We have already started a network of friends that are very interested in having you as their Shabbos guest. Please get in touch with us so that we can help you find your Shabbos host and hostess.

Email us at Let us know when you are available to be someones guest and we will get back to you quickly.

The Shabbos meal people


MO said...

Wow this is gr8 ! please sign me up ... can you do this worldwide ?

MO said...

So are you guys going to get Michal a invte 4 Shabbos ?